Thinking about education is thinking about symbiosis. Just like there are no flowers without bees and bees without flowers, there are no students without teachers and teachers without students. Whilst this relationship is more complex in a world with economic and social benefits, we find that amplifying student voices in education institutions is always a good idea.
This is exactly what Melbourne Polytechnic challenged MoHow to do. To help create a student charter, which would bring the voice of young people in to the college’s education strategy. Mo’s vision for this project was to create something special for the students, where their passions and purpose would shine through their education experience.
To do this, an understanding of what students wanted from their education experience was needed. MoHow worked closely with the student engagement team (SLAM team). To ensure that a diverse range of student voices was heard. The team also worked closely with student body groups and senior student leaders to ensure that a diverse range of student voices was heard.
Once these diverse student voices were curated, MoHow worked with Melbourne Polytechnic Executives to translate this vision into a shared student charter. Attention was paid to keeping the original voice and language of students. The charter was structured to amplified a desire to focus on engagement outside of the learning environment for international students, career development post-study, industry networking and life degree fit.
MoHow's work helped to raise the voice of young people at MP and provided a direct conduit between students and organisational leadership’s desire to uncover what will underpin the best educational experience at MP. The way MoHow designed and led student focus groups was credited as also informing a “next level approach” to what MP has been doing to give their students a voice.
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